Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Last May I started a lifestyle change, my goal was to lose weight and get in better shape. I started walking and eventually worked up to 4 miles. I try to do it 3 - 4 times a week.

I have lost 80 lbs and I feel better! I get lots of compliments on how I look but that is really just the icing on the cake. I feel the best I have in years and have so much more energy. Jay watches the girls while I walk with one of my sister in laws and his Mama. It is such a nice break to get out and have some adult conversation and walking sort of gives me a high. When I don't walk I miss it, that has really has surprised me.

People talk about a diet but I have really come to see that you have to make a lifestyle change. Walking has become as natural as going to the grocery store or washing clothes. We walked last summer when I felt like I would pass out from the heat and this winter we have bundled up like Eskimos. I want to lose more weight but I am taking it a day at a time and a pound at a time. Walking is something I hope I never have to give up, it has been so good for me in so many ways!


Anonymous said...

Great thoughts Beth!Pa

Anonymous said...

Rabbits marrying cats? lol how cute! Thanks for letting me enjoy a glimpse of your world through your eyes! See you around!

Betty said...

Congratulations on such a magnificent weight loss! I need to get walking now, you have inspired me! :)

Kaylie love's you said...

you are amazing <3