Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Yesterday was one of "those" days, it was a Monday that started with all 3 children up at 6:30am and it was a full moon. We had some issues with behavior that had to be addressed and overall I just struggled with juggling all that needed to be done.

Then yesterday afternoon a sweet person commented on 2 sweet little girls that were playing in our yard and a precious baby boy that we had been blessed with. She went on to mention how it seemed just yesterday that I was wanting a baby so badly and how blessed we are.

All of that got me to remembering those days after Jay and I got married and how badly I wanted to be a mother. The struggles that I had with waiting and watching everyone else (it seemed) have a baby but me. There were lots of tears and many quiet days. The following verse came to my mind.

"He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD." Psalm 113:9

All I ever wanted to be when I was growing up was a Mama and God has blessed me with 3 beautiful children. I may be busier than I could have imagined and the house may be a mess but I am so blessed. This morning I taught school and rocked a baby with the humm of a washer, dryer and dishwasher as background music.

The days are long but the years are short and I am trying to remember just how blessed I am.


Hope said...

Amen and Amen Sister Beth.....all us Mamas would do well to remember this every single moment with our children. Thanks for the reminder! (Love your new blog design and posts!)

Amanda said...

The days are long but the years are short....LOVE this. I am going to put it on a note card on my kitchen window so I can see it every day.

Hope things have been a little better the rest of this week and you will get better at juggling the 3 kids the older JM gets but I can’t promise the house will get any better, LOL!! My house is still a wreck most days!!

p.s. I HATE full moons :)

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